
Cyber Security Service

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Services to be provided within the scope of ISO 27001 Consultancy

Classification and categorization of information assets and determination of their criticality for the system.

Preparation of Information Security Management System Scope Document and determination and presentation of Information Security Strategies

Information Security Management System (ISMS) Policy

Providing support in conducting awareness trainings

Evaluation of assets according to confidentiality, integrity and accessibility criteria

Providing a framework for a risk approach

Preparation of risk analysis report

Rating of risks

Establish the framework for presenting risks to senior management

Preparation of the risk processing plan according to the risk analysis report evaluations of the senior management

Identify controls to be applied to the risk processing plan

Creation of a Statement of Applicability

Creating documentation (policy, procedure, instruction, form)

Configure controls

Internal audit

Keeping records

Assess ISMS effectiveness and performance for continuous improvement.

Develop management review agendas and maintain meeting minutes.

Review security incidents and risks by monitoring non-conformance and incident logs.

Making recommendations for corrective action.

Reviewing the internal and external context and requirements of interested parties.

Develop reports and provide feedback on ISMS performance.

The Information and Communication Security Guide prepared by the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Digital Transformation Office includes the measures that public institutions/organizations and businesses providing critical infrastructure services must comply with. PROFESIA provides the necessary consultancy services to public institutions/organizations and enterprises providing critical infrastructure services with our expert staff. This service covers the following main project phases.

Determination of Asset Groups and Criticality Degrees:
Identifying and rating critical assets to ensure business continuity.

Current Situation and Gap Analysis:
Identification of vulnerabilities and deficiencies, detailed analysis of the current situation.

Preparation of Guideline Implementation Roadmap:
Creating a comprehensive roadmap to implement the identified guidance.

Level-Based Implementation of Security/Tightening Measures:
Implementation of level-based security measures for asset groups and technology areas.

Monitoring and Controlling the Guidance Implementation Roadmap:
Monitoring the process, performing controls and implementing corrective actions.

Conducting Information and Communication Security Audits:
Conducting security audits and asset security assessments.

Change Management:
Assessing and managing the impacts of changes made to the system.

In order to ensure your organization’s compliance with the requirements and precautionary clauses specified in the guide, we provide assessment and improvement support in current situation analysis, creation of asset inventory, criticality / risk assessments, conducting relevant survey studies, checking / writing policies and procedures, and internal / external audit studies.

PCI DSS Danışmanlığı ile ödeme kartları endüstrisi veri güvenliği standartlarına (PCI DSS) uyum sağlama sürecinde sizlere uçtan uca destek verebiliriz. İşletmenizin banka kartı ve/veya kredi kartı işlemleriyle ilgili bütünlük, güvenlik ve uyum gereksinimlerini karşılamak için sunulan hizmet vermek isteriz.

Ensuring Compliance in terms of Information Security: Ensuring compliance in terms of information security in the processing, transmission and storage of debit card and/or credit card information. Determination and implementation of logical and physical rules.

Process Consultancy: Design and implementation of plans, procedures and policies to ensure that requirements are fully met. Putting in place relevant controls and leaving audit trails.

Completion of SAQ Forms: Completing Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) forms within the scope of PCI DSS in accordance with infrastructure, practices and physical conditions. An important tool that assesses an organization’s compliance with security regulations regarding payment card data.

External Vulnerability Scans: Performing external vulnerability scans regularly, which is one of the PCI DSS requirements. PCI licensed Internet-facing systems are scanned for vulnerabilities every 3 months and findings are regularly presented.

Compliance Audits and Reporting: Auditing organizations that process credit card information once a year according to specified criteria. Compliance reports are regularly received and submitted to the authorities.

Continuous Improvement and Updating: Continuous adaptation to updates and changes in PCI DSS standards. Updating business processes and security policies with a continuous improvement approach.

In the digital age where personal data processing activities are increasingly prevalent, compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK) holds critical importance for all types of organizations. Offering guidance through this complex process, KVKK Consultancy services provide a reliable compass for a wide spectrum of entities ranging from public institutions to private sector companies, foundations to associations, and beyond.

Who Does It Cover?
KVKK Consultancy targets all entities engaged in personal data processing activities, referred to as data controllers or data processors. This includes public institutions, private sector firms, foundations, associations, cooperatives, and professional organizations with public institution status.

Importance of the Service: Compliance with KVKK: The service assists organizations in adhering to KVKK regulations. Ensuring compliance with this law governing personal data processing activities is not only a legal requirement but also crucial for corporate reputation. Fulfillment of Obligations: Ensures the comprehensive fulfillment of obligations under KVKK. Data controllers and processors receive support in understanding and fulfilling the obligations introduced by KVKK.

Legal Necessity: Compliance with KVKK is not just a legal necessity but also a reflection of ethical responsibility towards personal data protection.

Corporate Reputation and Customer Satisfaction: Being KVKK compliant enhances corporate reputation and strengthens customer satisfaction. Respecting personal data reinforces the credibility of your organization. Setting Objectives and Initial Analysis: Identifying your organization’s KVKK compliance needs and setting objectives. Conducting an initial analysis to assess your current status. KVKK and ISO 27701 Awareness Training: Organizing KVKK and ISO 27701 training sessions for employees. Creating awareness about Personal Data Management System.

Legal Consultancy: Establishing KVKK-compliant policies and procedures. Adapting existing contracts and business processes to comply with KVKK. Process Analysis and Determination: Analyzing and determining business processes within the scope of KVKK. Detailed identification of Personal Data Processing Activities.

Risk Assessment and Action Plan: Assessing the risks associated with personal data processing activities within the organization. Developing action plans to address identified risks.

Compliance With ISO 27701 Standard: Establishing a Personal Data Management System compliant with ISO 27701 standards. Preparing and implementing necessary documentation.

Internal Auditing and Review: Continuously monitoring KVKK and ISO 27701 compliance through internal audits. Evaluating the effectiveness of the system through management reviews.

Documentation and Certification Processes: Preparing KVKK compliance documents and guiding through certification processes. Demonstrating documented compliance to customers and stakeholders. In conclusion, KVKK Consultancy enables organizations to effectively manage personal data, ensuring both legal compliance and bolstering customer trust. This service supports a culture of transparent and ethical business conduct, where personal data is kept secure.

GDPR Compliance Project Management Service is a comprehensive service that aims to help clients bring their personal data processing activities into compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This service focuses on helping clients meet their data security, transparency and compliance requirements, enabling the organization to operate in compliance with the GDPR.

Service Scope:

Risk Assessment and Analysis:
Identify and assess the potential risks of personal data processing activities.
Developing effective measures and strategies against risks.

  1. Data Inventory and Classification:
    Create a comprehensive inventory of personal data held by the customer.
    Classify data according to sensitivity level and determine appropriate security measures.

  1. Policy and Process Development:
    Creating the necessary policies and processes to ensure GDPR compliance.
    Tailoring policies and processes to the needs and specific requirements of the organization.

  2. Training and Awareness:
    Provide training to employees on GDPR and security policies.
    Raising awareness on data security.

  3. Technical and Organizational Security Measures:
    Taking appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data.
    Assess and improve data security infrastructure.

  4. Response in Data Breach Situations:
    Taking rapid response and corrective actions in the event of a data breach.
    Planning for remediation of breaches and prevention of future breaches.

  5. Notification Processes:
    Establish required notification processes for data breaches under GDPR.
    Informing relevant regulatory authorities and affected parties quickly and effectively.
  7. Avantajlar:
  • Expertise and Experience: A service managed by expert GDPR specialists.

  • Tailored Solutions: Customizable solutions tailored to the needs of the organization.

  • Sustainable Compliance: Sustainable GDPR compliance with continuous audit and improvement processes.

e-Document Special Integrators Information Systems Management Compliance Service

Our company provides Information Systems Consultancy services to e-Document Special Integrators in accordance with the standards set by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance of the Republic of Turkey. In this context, we support private integrator organizations to successfully manage their processes and activities related to e-Document applications.

Our Consultancy Services:

  1. Process and Activity Analysis of Private Integrator Organizations: We analyze the current processes and activities of private integrators in detail and evaluate their compliance with e-Document applications.
  2. International Certifications and Safety Checks:

    We conduct a comprehensive assessment to ensure your compliance with international certifications and safety controls, and recommend improvements where necessary.

  3. Personnel Training: We organize special training programs to enable your employees to manage e-Document processes more effectively.

  4. Physical Security and Infrastructure Assessment: We evaluate physical security measures and infrastructure by creating business continuity, risk management and emergency plans.

  5. Access Security and Audit Trails Management: We provide support for access security and audit trail management in your information systems.

  6. Management of External Service Providers: We ensure a secure integration by evaluating the suitability of cooperating external service providers.

  7. Audit and Reporting Services: We manage your preparation processes for audits conducted by independent audit organizations and support your reporting processes.
    Establishment of Internal Control and Audit Mechanisms: By establishing internal audit mechanisms, we create internal control systems for continuous improvement.

    With its expert staff, our company supports e-Document Special Integrators to provide effective control and management over their information systems. We provide services in accordance with Turkey’s tax procedure laws and general communiqués. You can consult us for a secure, fast and compliant e-Document process.

“Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) – Log Correlation Service” includes the processes of collecting, analyzing, correlating log data and obtaining meaningful information in order to increase the information security of institutions. The work carried out within the scope of this service includes the following main topics:

Sample log review: Sample logs are examined for the SIEM service. This is done to understand the types of data the service will need and to review case studies.

Determining Log Sources: It is determined which type of log data will be received from which systems. This includes identifying resources that are critical to monitoring security events.

Creating Advanced Correlation. Rules: Advanced correlation rules are created to determine relationships between log data. This helps identify and understand security incidents more effectively. Cyber ​​attack simulation and SOME drill study: Cyber ​​attack simulations and exercises are conducted to detect vulnerabilities in the system and test how the SIEM system will handle such events.

Log Meaning, Labeling and Leveling Work: Studies are carried out to understand, label and classify log data according to a certain level. This helps prioritize and handle incidents correctly. Requirements determination, scoping and project management: The resources, processes and scope of the project required to implement the SIEM service are determined. Project management is also important at this stage.

Determining the details and content of the logs to be received from sources: The details and content of the log data are determined. This is important to understand what information will be transferred to the SIEM system.

Preparation of Correlation Rules by Identifying the Systems From Which Logs Will Be Collected: It is determined from which systems log data will be collected and correlation rules specific to these systems are created.

Determining Whether the Correlation Rules Work by Testing Them in Practice After Software: The established correlation rules are tested in practice and revised if necessary. This helps ensure system performance and security.Log yönetim sistemi tarafından tanınmayan veya özel olarak geliştirilmiş uygulamalara ait sarmal aracı yazılımların geliştirilmesi:

SIEM sistemi tarafından tanınmayan veya özel uygulamalardan log verilerini toplamak için özel araçlar ve yazılımlar geliştirilir.

Bu çalışmalar, kurumun bilgi güvenliği stratejisinin bir parçasını oluşturarak potansiyel güvenlik tehditlerine karşı etkili bir savunma mekanizması sağlar.

Safety Analysis and Risk Assessment:

Determine the risk profile of your business with proactive security analysis. Close security gaps by identifying weak points.


Continuously monitor network traffic with advanced IDS/IPS solutions. Take immediate measures by detecting anomalies and attacks.


Configure your firewalls in a customized way and effectively manage and update security policies.


Securely design and configure your wireless networks. Enhance your wireless network security using WPA3 and other security protocols.


Protect against Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Protect your network performance with intelligent traffic filtering and load balancing solutions.


Create secure VPN connections. Provide secure VPN infrastructure for remote access inside and outside the enterprise.

In the complexity of the digital world, secure software development is no longer a choice but a player.

This is where our secure software development service comes into play, ensuring cryptocurrency protection for you and your customers. Why U.S?

We adopt an approach that takes the customer’s distribution and data amount as the main principle.

Our Secure Software Development Service is built on these steps

Analysis of current situation: We analyze your software development parts in detail. We objectively evaluate your current security level with internationally appropriate checklists and audit reviews.

Secure Software Development Processes: Based on analysis, we develop tailored, suitable, secure software for your organization. We test our processes at different maturity levels and constantly focus on implementation.

Gap Analysis and Roadmap: Based on current state analysis, we can determine a roadmap to enable your secure software development and security expansion. Our roadmap is carried through an actionable guide full of color-coded steps and goals.

Software Security Processes: We select appropriate widths to provide pricing for software your organization in-house or supplies. We test these options and turn them into applicable procedures, strengthening your software against cyber threats.

Our Consulting Team: Our consulting services based on international distribution and good practices are ready to offer you customized solutions. It consists of reaching us for detailed information and analysis.

It enables the co-construction of secure software.

R&D Center Establishment Services:
  • Creating the Application Roadmap: Step-by-step planning of the application process required for the establishment of an R&D Center.
  • Creating Organization: Structuring the necessary units and departments for the R&D Center.
  • Creating the Project Repository: Establishing a database where R&D and design projects will be stored and managed.
  • Creating a Strategy: Determining R&D and design strategies and creating plans for long-term goals.
    Personnel Selection and Project Planning: Selection of personnel to lead R&D projects and detailed planning of projects.
  • Establishing Procedures: Preparation of procedures for processes such as project management, information management, industrial property management, human resources management and accounting.
  • Preparation of the Application File: Preparation of the application file containing all documents and information required for the R&D Center.
  • Application Follow-up and Revision: Monitoring the application process and making necessary revisions.
  • Team Briefing Meetings: Regular, case-specific briefing meetings for the R&D Center team.
  • Ar-Ge Merkezi Sürdürülebilirlik Hizmeti:
  • Stratejik Gözden Geçirme ve Güncelleme: Ar-Ge Merkezi stratejisinin yıllık olarak gözden geçirilmesi ve güncellenmesi, buna uygun aksiyon planlarının yapılması.
  • Performans Ölçütlerinin Tanımlanması ve İzlenmesi: Yıl sonu faaliyet dönemi denetiminin başarılı geçmesi için performans ölçütlerinin belirlenmesi ve izlenmesi.
  • Komisyon Görevlerinin Değerlendirilmesi: Komisyon görevlerinin değerlendirilip yerine getirilmesi için aksiyon planlarının oluşturulması ve izlenmesi.
  • Proje Değerlendirmesi ve Dokümantasyonu: Ar-Ge proje fikirlerinin sürekli olarak değerlendirilmesi, uygun projelerin seçilmesi ve proje dokümantasyonunun yapılması.
  • Bütçe ve Adam-Ay Uygunluğunun Değerlendirilmesi: Ar-Ge projelerinin bütçe ve personel kullanımının sürekli olarak değerlendirilmesi.
  • Personel Uygunluğunun Değerlendirilmesi: Ar-Ge Merkezi personelinin uygunluğunun sürekli olarak değerlendirilmesi.
  • Aksiyon Planlarının Sürekli Planlanması: Ar-Ge Merkezi performansını arttırmak için nitelikte aksiyon planlarının sürekli olarak planlanması ve uygulanması.
  • Sürdürülebilir Yönetim Sistematiklerinin Kurulumu ve Uygulanması: Ar-Ge Merkezi yönetim sisteminin sürdürülebilirlik ilkesi doğrultusunda kurulumu ve uygulanması.
  • Diğer Ek Başvuruların Yapılması: Fiziki alan değişiklikleri, idari ve hukuki değişiklikler, temel bilimler desteği gibi diğer başvuruların yapılması.
  • Değerlendirme Raporlarının Hazırlanması ve Paylaşılması: Periyodik Ar-Ge Merkezi Değerlendirme ve Durum Tespit Raporunun hazırlanması ve ilgili birimlerle paylaşılması.
  • Bakanlık Raporlarının Hazırlanması ve Destek Verilmesi: Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı Yıllık Faaliyet Raporlarının hazırlanması, gönderimi, hakem sunumlarına hazırlık, sunumlara katılım ile destek verilmesi.

Bu hizmetler, bir işletmenin Ar-Ge Merkezi’nin kurulmasından sürdürülebilir bir şekilde yönetilmesine kadar olan tüm süreçleri kapsamaktadır.

The cornerstone of success in business is building strong and fair commercial relationships. The foundation of these relationships is strong and clear contracts. This is exactly where we come into play.

Scope of Our Service

Contract Preparation: Strengthen the foundation of your business with commercial contracts prepared specifically for your needs. Our team of experts offers strong legal coverage for sales, supply, franchise, distributorship, lease, work, confidentiality, joint venture, license, maintenance support, electronic commerce and more.

Contract Review and Amendment: We review your existing contracts in line with the demands of the parties and make amendments if necessary. By keeping your contracts up to date, we ensure that you quickly adapt to changing business conditions.

Contract Negotiations: We are here to negotiate between the parties and ensure a fair and balanced agreement. Our experts help you overcome impasses and achieve mutual benefits.

Contract Signing: Once your contract is finalized, we take the necessary steps to proceed to the signature stage. We are with you all the way from the signing of signatures to the issuance of documents.