Software Trainings

Artificial Intelligence with Python from Zero to Expertise (120 Hours)

  • What is Algorithm?
  • Flow Diagrams Development
  • Environment Setup
  • Integer
  • Decimal Numbers
  • Character Builds
  • Logical Structures Lists
  • One-Dimensional Arrays
  • Multidimensional Arrays bundles clusters
  • Dictionaries Data Type
  • Conversions Variable Definition
  • Methods I/O Operations
  • Input Function
  • Decision Structures
  • If Else Else If Loop
  • For Loop
  • While Loop
  • Concept of When
  • Infinite Loops
  • Break, Continue Statements
  • Parameterized Functions
  • Parameterless Functions
  • Functions that Return Values
  • Functions That Do Not Return
  • Values Function Usage Module
  • Concept Standard Modules and Ready Functions
  • Time and Date Operations
  • Random Module and Its Usage
  • Concept of Class OOP
  • Fundamentals Constructor
  • MethodsClass methodsStatic
  • Methods Concept of
  • Encapsulation and Inheritance
  • Polymorphism OOP Examples in Real Life
  • OS Module
  • Create and Delete Folders
  • File Creation and Deletion
  • File Content Reading and
  • Modification
  • File Modes
  • Try, Except ve Rais
  • Catch All
  • What is SQL?
    SQL Data Types
    SQL Development Environment Setups
    What are DDL and DML?
    Creating a Database, Creating a Table
    Adding and Saving Data
    Database Operations, Update, Delete
    Primary Key Concept
    Table CRUD Operations
    Queries with SQL
    Arithmetic Queries
    Logical Interrogations
    In Inquiry
    Like Inquiry
    Reinforcement with Application Examples

  • Place
  • Pack
  • Grid
  • Reinforcement with Application Examples
  • Trade Automation Project
  • Data Analytics: What is Numpy?
    Creating an Array
    Series Manipulation
    Indexing Numpy Arrays
    Statistical Operations
    Reinforcement with Application Examples
  • Serialize from Lists and Dictionaries
    Methods, Parameters and Arguments
    Operations on the .csv file
    Embedded functions
    Indexing and Mathematical Operations
    Dataframe Introduction
    Dataframe manipulation
    Dataframe functions
    Dataframe multiple index operations
    Dataframe text data
    Dataframe csv, excel and html file operations
    Time Series Analysis
    Reinforcement with Application Examples

Plot and Subplot

Colors and Lines
Chart Size Scaling
Scatter, Histogram, Step and Piechart
Reinforcement with Application Examples

  • Functions, Parameters and Arguments
    Pairplot and Rugplot
    Barplot and Countplot.
    Stripplot and Swarmplot
    PairGrid and FacetGrid
    Reinforcement with Application Examples

History of artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence use cases and real life examples
Artificial intelligence sub-branches and algorithms
What are the differences between artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning?
Machine learning with CRISP-DM project management methodology
Data Preprocessing – Earthquake Prediction in Turkey

Analysis and Cleaning of Repeated Data
Correction and Cleaning of Outlier Data
Analyzing and cleaning missing data (Missing Values)
Estimation with K-Nearest Neighbor Model
Forecasting with Decision Tree Algorithm
Forecasting with Random Forest Algorithm
Comparison of Algorithms Based on Model Errors and Single Instance
PCA – Principal Component Analysis
Polynomial Features
Feature Selection
Encoder – Encoder
Scaling and Normalization (Scaler-Normalization, One Hot Encoder, Z-Score Method)
Simple Linear Regression
Multiple Linear Regression
House Price Prediction with Multiple Linear Regression
What is Classification? Benign or Malignant Breast Cancer Classification Project
Chess Result Prediction with Decision Trees Model
Recognition of Handwritten Digits with Convolutional Neural Networks
Visual Object Recognition with ImageNet Project
What are Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)?
Machine Learning Project Generating Lyrics with LSTM
What is Natural Language Processing?

Tokenization (Tokenization Process)
Remove StopWords (Remove Ineffective Words)

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence with Web Scraping (24 hours)

    • Our Data Scraping Objective
      How Does Data Scraping Work?
      Data Scraping Methods
      Data Scraping with Python
    • Data Scraping Strategy
      Collecting News Links Under Category with BeautifulSoup
      Selecting the News Text
      Selecting the News Summary
      Choosing the News Title and Time
      • Visualization and Analysis of Data
        Classification of News Texts According to Categories
        Modeling with Word2Vec
        Word2Vec Visualization with TSNE
        Deep Analysis of Categories with TextScatter
    • Creating the Dataset with Beatiful Soup
      Pre-processing of lyrics
      Lowercase conversion of the song
      Matching of letters
      Creating the dataset as Input and Target
      Normalizing the dataset
      Creating the LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) Model
      Training the Model
      Creating lyrics
      Evaluation of the Outcome


  1. Pulling Data with Twitter API Integration with Python
  1. Instant Currency Tracking System Project with SQLite, Selenium, Tkinter

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Specialization Course with Python (96 hours)

  • What is Data Analytics?
  • What is Numpy?
    Creating an Array
    Series Manipulation
    Indexing Numpy Arrays
    Statistical Operations
    Reinforcement with Application Examples
  • What is Pandas?
    Generating series from lists and dictionaries
    Methods, Parameters and Arguments
    Operations on the .csv file
    Embedded functions
    Indexing and Mathematical Operations
    Dataframe Introduction
    Dataframe manipulation
    Dataframe functions
    Dataframe multiple index operations
    Dataframe text data
    Dataframe csv, excel and html file operations
    Time Series Analysis
    Reinforcement with Application Examples
  • What is Matplotlib?
    Plot and Subplot
    Colors and Lines
    Chart Size Scaling
    Scatter, Histogram, Step and Piechart
    Reinforcement with Application Examples


  • What is Seaborn?
    Functions, Parameters and Arguments
    Pairplot and Rugplot
    Barplot and Countplot
    Stripplot and Swarmplot
    PairGrid and FacetGrid
    Reinforcement with Application Examples
  • What is Tensorflow?
    Activation Functions
    What is Regression?
    Data Preprocessing
    Test Chamber
    Data Modeling
    Education Pod
    Model Evaluation
    Model Estimation
    Car Prices Analysis
    Data Interpretation
    Performing Graphical Analysis
    Highest Priced Cars
    Data Cleansing
    Evaluating Results
    Reinforcement with Application Examples
  • What is SQLite?
    Creating a Database, Creating a Table
    Adding and Saving Data
    Database Operations, Update, Delete
    Reinforcement with Application Examples
  • History of Artificial Intelligence
    Artificial Intelligence use cases
    Artificial Intelligence sub-branches and algorithms
    Modules to be used for Machine Learning
    Modules to be used for Deep Learning
    Installing Anaconda and using Anaconda Prompt
    Effective use of Jupyter-notebook and Jupyter-lab
    Using the Spyder Program
    Missing data (Missing Values)
    PCA- Principal Component Analysis
    Polynomial Features
    Feature Selection
    Encoder – Encoder
    Scaling and Normalization (Scaler-Normalization)
    Classification Models
    Regression Models
    Linear Regression Models
    Decision Trees
    Random Forests
    K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
    Support Machine Vectors (SVM_SVR)
    Classification Models
    K-Means (KMeans)
    Hierarchical Clustering
    Spectral clustering Algorithm (Spectral)
    Model Selection
    GridSearch Algorithm
    Time series data extraction with API applications
    Artificial Neural Networks
    Single and Multilayer Sensors
    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
    LSTM for Time Series
    Artificial Intelligence Applications


Hands-on Prompt Engineering with ChatGPT

  • Creating Prompt
    What is Prompt?
    What are Prompt Components?
    Prompt Examples
    Why is it important to use Big Language Models with Prompt Engineering?
    Input – Output Formats
    What are Large Language Models (LLM) and how do they work?
    Reinforcement with Application Examples
    LLM Performance Optimization Techniques
    Reinforcement with an Open Source Chat Bot App
    Prompt Techniques
    Prompt Setup
    Use Cases
    Concept Description
    Creating the Main Headings of a Topic
    Scripting and Description
    Building Apps with LangChain
    LangChain Startup and Setup
    Using the OpenAI Model
    Question and Answer via Web Page
    Prompt Templates
    Loading Custom Data with Loaders
    Adding Artificial Intelligence with Models
    Multiple Completions
    Chat Models
    Using Prompt Templates
    Chatting with PDF Files
    How to Write a Better Prompt for ChatGPT?
    Using Advanced Techniques
    ChatGPT API Integration
    API Options
    Creating Multiple Responses
    Reverse Prompt Engineering
    Faster LLM Extraction
    What is Natural Language Processing?
    Tokenization (Tokenization Process)
    Remove StopWords (Remove Ineffective Words)
    Stemmer (Stemming)
    Lemmatizer (Lemmatization – Headword Extraction)
    Data scraping with Python
    Data Scraping Strategy
    Collecting News Links under Category with BeautifulSoup
    Selecting the News Text
    Selecting the News Summary
    Choosing the News Title and Time
    Topic Prediction in Turkish Texts with Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA)
    Song Y